Say Goodbye to the Eleventh Doctor with “Regeneration Carol”

Say Goodbye to the Eleventh Doctor with “Regeneration Carol”

We know you don’t want him to go, but Matt Smith’s time as the Doctor is coming to a close. Celebrate his years with us this Christmas with “Regeneration Carol”!

We worked with Matt Elliott, the internet’s favorite Eleventh Doctor lookalike, and we hope you’ll weep disconsolately at the result!

Don’t forget to share the video on your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.! What was your most memorable Eleventh Doctor moment? Tell us in the comments!

doctor who matt elliott music video regeneration carol



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  3. Very good use of Matt Elliott’s hair! So sad to see the real Matt go, but it’s the Doctor who regenerates. Matt Smith goes off to do movies. This video is the best Who parody I’ve seen since the David Tennant, Catherine Tate, John Barrowman send up of Russell T. Davies “I Can’t Do It!”.


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